Competitors Welcome

  Hot on the trail inner rose garden we find stevies Queen o'heart pounds like, She looks over rose in Hollywood she has a Sandcastle even When she plays swoon over swing next ile b, there. You  and Phillip canaverate requeseeming volurtile moments in glory conquest this enlists his copy. Slowly now the Sun shines over for meant thats not too unholy for her to see and inches respike her meloncoly sober miseries easily you see to it play. Men of the Cup hasten to cards retreat dwelling there in effort would common folk liven the deals to youz even.

All Out 4 the days

Mandy hung around for a while to see this as princess of the pets

The  Lady Gaga 

adyNerce Hears Dictionary reading out her latenightshopping sales

The Big Foot sanshoes shot passed an empty owl who faught his controversies with loves idol

JOGi ( little snow )

Roses are red violets are blue. grin the rest

The Extra Pain

In Creater spoke some lines out

Plead to Stevie 

A rare pic with Bruce too for those which understand the void for then they to are filled with the knowledge and love to and the understanding of all things